Thursday, November 8, 2012

awesome as always blogger!

so hello, this is my my first post in 2012 i believe, i do have my tumblr account now and i don't usually write things here anymore. not only that! i don't really "write" anymore i don't know maybe i really did killed "rolf" or something-- you can visit my tumblr account so here i also have the other one but i don't write anything there now. so, umm.. i am now a second year struggling college student of the university of mindanao-- so yeah, what else-- umm. i have taken architecture-- i bet you know that already because of my posts last 2011 (lol) so, this is me-- trying to write something.

it's really hard growing up, i mean-- it's HARD. friends, family, relatives,classmates their so annoying at times 'cause they create problems that makes you really annoyed *i'm repeating myself* i once watched a series that told me that-- hmm, i think it goes like this, but not really (lol) "love, is never the problem--the problem is  the relationship we have in others" something of the sort. when we love, we build relationships and when that relationship ends, we hurt ourselves-- that my friend is natural. 'cause nothing is permanent in this world-- only Gods Love-- everything changes, and right now i am currently in the process of change. though it seems like life isn't going my way at times 'cause there will always be tough times-- and when we say TOUGH they are really tough. the only thing we have to do is to get over it, we are never alone-- God is with us every step of the way. just like he always said "Do not be afraid". one of my friends told me one time that God said "Do not be afraid" 365 times in the Bible just to get you that message 365 means 1 year so you don't have to be afraid every day. he is with you.. even if you say that "but, there is a leap year and it has 366 days" well, in the one day that is not part of the 365 days you still have to hang on to him. 'cause he is always with you! forever and always-- and he will never abandon you, unlike others-- 'cause he will not disappoint you. HE LOVES YOU (^^)V

i don't have time to reread it and i'm sure it has a lot of grammatical errors, misspellings and stuffs but, who cares anyway-- nobody really reads my posts here.the sun is coming! oh, i must hide! haha..

so, bye for now until we meet again! :)